event that occurred in my life a little over 6 years ago, 2 weeks
after the Infamous September 11th to be exact.
I was sitting at my computer on a day like any other playing Euchre
on Msn.com under the nickname "Tribute2Heroes" many people
would stop and ask me why I had chosen this name and my response
was the same to each one “I have chosen this name for two reasons
the first being that I lost a very close family friend on September 11th
(Out of respect for his family I have chosen to with hold his name.)
He was one of the bravest men I have ever had the honor of knowing.
He was one of the many courageous firemen who perished in the Twin
Towers at the hands of the cowardice Terrorists known as Al-Qaida
The second reason I chose this name was out of respect for any person
who has lost their life well in the line of duty.
After about 15 minutes of waiting for my Tourney to start this stupid
ass moron decides to come in to the chat lobby and make an ass of
himself, after over hearing my explanation of the personal reasoning
behind my choice of name he had the nerve to say “I feel no sympathy
for those stupid idiots, they deserved to die, knowing the tower could
collapse at any moment they made the stupid decision to still go and
enter it”.
This is where I lost it completely on this little piss ant I responded
“Are you a F**king Moron (please excuse the language but I was
really upset at the time) what right do you have to say and make
such idiotic and hurtful comments? Yes they knew that when they
agreed to take the job that of course risk was involved yet they
chose to do it.
Any job in the world has risk to some degree. Yes some are more
dangerous then others, a Police officer for instance could be shot
and killed well walking down the street or busting a criminal but
yet they still do their Job because that’s what they love to do, a
teller in a bank could be shot and killed during a robbery yet
they still show up 8 - 4 everyday, Something could go wrong with
a panicking victim and a lifeguard could drown well trying to
rescue him or her.
At this point I had calmed down a little and decided to ask him a
question I said seriously how would you feel if you came home and
found your home in flames? Knowing your family, girlfriend, wife,
son or daughter could be trapped inside? Then a few seconds after
the big red machines called fire trucks arrive on the scene they
decide that it’s a lost cause so they jump back on to the trucks
and drive away?
It was then that he told me to go to F**K myself that was the
only answer he had for me other then to go to hell. He then left
the chat with what I can only assume was his tale between his
legs. The sad thing I found out a short time later from one of his
friends was he was an American citizen.
How could he disrespect so many hard working people of his own
great nation? And at a time when the United States was hurting
and many different people from many different backgrounds, jobs,
economic standings came together under one common goal, to
help there fellow man or woman. It showed me how great a
country The USA truly is. God Bless America even if it has the
odd Jackass living in it.

Thanks Lana
for the very nice comment.
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